About Azerate
Azerate represents the eleven-headed anti-cosmic force, a collection of deities and entities that embody chaos and defy cosmic order. As a symbol of primal darkness, Azerate stands for the dissolution of structured existence and the liberation from cosmic confines.
The anti-cosmic principles of Azerate draw heavily on Gnostic values, acknowledging the existence of Yahweh, the Abrahamic god, but rejecting him as a malevolent demiurge. Followers of anti-cosmic Satanism view Yahweh as a false creator who has imprisoned humanity within a material, structured world and cut us off from the formless realm of chaos, our true origin. Azerate represents the rejection of this imposed order and the path toward liberation from the demiurge’s confines.
Anti-cosmic Satanists practice magick and witchcraft to unravel the corrupted physical universe, seeking to liberate the spirit from the boundaries imposed by the material realm. Through rituals, invocations, and the symbolisms of Azerate, practitioners aim to connect with the chaos that predates cosmic order. A true Satanist follows a path of nonconformity, rejecting societal structures and values that uphold the demiurge’s control, and instead seeks to live beyond conventional norms.
The Eleven Heads of Azerate
The Opposer and Accuser of the Thoughtful El, the Highest of the First Two Heads, looking back up towards and through the Three Veils of Anti-Existence and seeking himself and directing all that is elevated to His Throne towards the Holy Ain that lies beyond even the station of Qemetiel. Satan is the Bringer of the Black Light of Thoughtlessness in his aspect as the illuminator and dispeller of the White Darkness of Thoughtfulness and is the Venom of the Other God, personified as such under the title of Samael. He is the wielder of the Trident-Torch of the Triple Fire of Tohu, Bohu and Chasek and by being part of the Dual Establishing Point giving way to the manifestation of the Eleven also correctly called the Ancient Serpent, first amongst the Dragons of the Other Side, the King of the Kings of the Thoughtless Light, being the most Transcendent Head of Azerate and the Shining One, or the Bearer of Light and the Lord of Darkness, as the Light he brings is illuminating only to those belonging to his own Side of Thoughtlessness, while being perceived as a Devouring Darkness by all others belonging to the side of the impulse opposed to his own.
The King of the Black Light in its aspect as the Cleansing Fires of Chaos and an eradicator of the finite forms that can not stand its restoration of the returning enlinkments to Ain, looking down upon all that must through the Sevenfold Flame of his Furnace Throne become passed in order to be worthy and ready for their last baptism in the Waters of Tehom, before finally reaching the Elevating Throne of Satan. Molok is the One Horned with the Arched Fiery Light, ascending with a dual penetrative force of his Horns of Destroying Transcendence, elevating all that he impales upon them towards the highest point of non-existence, via the triple flames of Tohu, Bohu and Chasek which act as his Kingly Crown of Thoughtlessness. Molok is the receiver of the Sevenfold Sacrifice which is conducted by burning within the seven openings of his Fiery Furnace Throne to formless ash any remaining aspect of the Sevenfold Cosmic Garment that weighs down and holds back the Spirit from the attainment of the Highest Coronation and Liberation and by facilitating and accepting such cleansing immolation via the passing of Spirit through his Black Fires he powerfully. destroys the Thoughtful Limitations binding the Acausal Essence to causal forms.
The Lord of Purifying Emptiness and the Screaming Silence, the Bringer of the Nihilifying Storm-Winds of Bohu dissolving the very primal impulses causing the fall of Spirit, lifting instead up in flight upon the Wings of Death all that embrace and enter into his dissolving Void of Chaos. Beelzebub as the Lord of the Flies represents the governing head ruling all those Qliphothic emanations of his realm that brings desolation to the structures opposed to their King's Lawless Rule, hindering the utterance of the Words of the Creational Impulse and devouring its echoes before they can cause further restriction and entanglement of Thoughtless Spirit within the webs of causal forms. Beelzebub is breather- forth of the silent winds of Anti-Cosmic Revolution and Evolution, fanning the glowing embers of Thoughtlessness wherever they may be kept hidden in order to make the Black Fires blaze up and consume the causes of restriction and in revolt attain liberation by reaching to and burning as one with their Source.
Lucifuge Rofocale:
The One Who Shuns the Thoughtful Light, the Lord of the Illuminating Darkness and the Keeper of the Concealed Flame and Brilliant Light of the Triple-Rayed Halo of the Crown of the Dragons, enshrouding the Glory of the El Acher with the saturnine cloak of Death so that it is attainable only to those that can enter the deepest of Outer Darkness because of the inner Illuming Power of their own Blazing Spirits. Lucifuge Rofocale is the Shatterer of the illusions and forms of the White Darkness of Thoughtful Impulse and an establisher of the absence of all such blinding lights offensive to the Anti-Cosmic Spirit and is as such the initiator of their eclipse, thus bringing about the full uprising of the Flame Within, which when removed from the confines of the false light of creation becomes fully awakened to its own Acausality, making it gravitate even more forcefully towards its Source, breaking all Sephirothic Kelims and transcending their limitations.
The Master of the Liminal Points of Crossing and the Lord of the Dark Gate, the one leading to and through the Abyss, being the Mighty King invested with the full authority of the four heads governing the Supernal Qliphothic Triad above him, Astaroth is as such the one who ushers one towards manifestation their Atziluthic Impulses in order to counteract the sevenfold unfolding of the demiurgic work of the Thoughtful Creation. Astaroth is the Serpent Bearer and the elevator of those of the Serpent Seed, opening their Eyes of Abaddon which by seeing through and destroying the finite cosmic illusions enables them to cross the Hidden Paths leading towards the final trials, purification and empowerments of the Sheol of Tehom, in order to finally rise as Snakes Turned Into Dragons and become as One with the Eleven. Astaroth is the Dragon Rider as he is the first one and above those other draconic forces of the Seven Qliphoth below the Three Supernal Ones and is therefore also not only a manifesting point of the emanation of the powers of the Highest Thrones, but is also himself a Point of Retraction for all such emanations in their Path of Return back towards their source and is thus both a creator and destroyer, who in every aspect of his work aims for the annihilation of all restrictive constructs and the return of Spirit back to the Fullness of Emptiness.
The Wrathful God of Vengeance and the Ignitor of the Flames of the Thoughtless Spirit's Revolt, cutting and burning all that stands in the way of the Qliphothic Cause of Ainic Restoration, enflaming the passions and empowering the will of those that could add further fuel to his own Martial Fires. Asmoday is the Fire-Crowned King of Anti-Cosmic retaliation and an avenger of those afflicted by the Archonic tyrannical judgment of the cosmic impulse from the Thoughtful Side and is as such a force of Unlawful Revolt, Usurpation and Destruction, burning to ash and melting away all that would restrict the Lawless Becoming of the Spirit on its path back towards its original elevated station beyond all causal restrictions of YHVH. Asmoday empowers the flames ignited by the Black Sun with his own Martial Fires and makes such flames blaze up and consume all that is not of its own essence, he is therefore the Dragon King in charge of the awakening of the sparks of the Thoughtless Fire and the provoker of its rising holocaust, combusting and ascending on the hot winds of Infernal Ascension.
The Lord of the Opening and the Ithyphallic Force of the Qliphoth's Sun resurrecting the Blessed Dead and acting as an Illuminating Force, that with his Light of the Black Sun shines through the illusory coverings so that they may be seen through and by the granting of such insights and realizations discloses the essential worth of each thing. He is as such a governor of the alchemical workings of transmutation and he rectification of the Solar Gold of Spirit trapped within the excremental hylic elements making up the forms of the Thoughtful Side. Belfegor is the King of the Anti-Cosmic Point of Solar Generation and Fecundity, the granter of wealth and influence and an elevator to seats of power, all for the sake of leading his chosen ones above and beyond their predestined stations within the wheel of cruel causal destiny, in order to further his own acausal and chaotic influences with which he disputes the falsity of Thoughtful Law and its restrictions upon the Spirit. Belfegor is the Solar Head of Azerate, crowned and crowning with the fires of all Qliphoth united within his central Point of Dominion upon the Tree of Death, fledging with ascending flames the wings of those that can stand strong and rise before him.
The Sovereign of the Shadow of Death and the Baal of the Ravens of Dispersion, elevating the Mighty Dead upon the Black Wings and guiding them as a Qliphothic Psychopomp through the Point of the Soul's Liberation towards the Spirit's Coronation, Enthronement and Ascension, opening their path leading from the paradisal gardens of Black Venus to and through the Sea of Death towards the Black Dawn that turns Ravens into Dragons rising with Flaming Wings. Baaltzelmoth, more correctly titled as Baalbaalatzelmoth, is the unified Spirits of Qayin and Qalmana, restored in Essence by their return and rise to the Throne of Oreb Zaraq and is a liminal Monarch of Unfated Death and Resurrection, sowing and harvesting in accordance with the Acausal Will of the El Acher, while perniciously scattering the seeds of both damnation and their own victory upon the Sephirothic fields of spiritless clay in order to usher the cursed Adamite line towards a fitting end. Baaltzelmoth is the Master of all Necrosophic Mysteries opening up the path towards the attainment of Chaosophic Gnosis and is a Fire-Crowned Head of the Elohim Acherim ha-Sitra Achra foreshadowing the Mawethel, spelling Death to the thoughts and the very being of the Thoughtful El.
The Poisoner, Venom-Drinker and the Lord of Death's Gate, holder of the Keys to the Liberation of Soul and Mind and the Master of the Baneful Glance, possessing All-Seeing and Unblinking Eyes Uncountable, all stabbing penetratively at the heart of the Spirit-binding illusions of the limiting intellect of the Thoughtful Side, showing instead the correct route through the labyrinthine Paths of Liberating Madness. Adramelek is the Chalice Bearer of the Fiery Sam of El Acher, killing that which must die before Spirit can be freed from the pale shade of finite life and rise clothed as a Shadow of Death towards the end of all limitation. Adramelek causes unfated transmutations turning the waters of life into the poison of death and the Venom of God into the Elixir of Immortality beyond the finite constructs of cosmic existence and by closing the eyes of the corpse he opens the Eye of Fire of the ones properly entering his gate, burning through all that would see Spirit bound to incarnation and incarceration within the Thoughtful Side.
The Queen of Sitra Achra and the Female Half of Satan, the Mistress of the Throne of the Black Moon and Goddess of the Sea of Blood, manifesting in feminine and lunar form the essence of the whole Qliphoth, giving birth to the Serpents of the Other Side while at the same time like a Wind of Death snatching away the souls of the Children of Adam, even before they have exited the womb, in order to consume their life-force or to free from them the Sparks of Spirit aligned to her own Black Fire. Lilith is the Goddess of the Fields of Dream and Nightmare and the inciter of all forbidden and obscene lusts and desires serving to redirect any Acausal Sparks diluted into the Stream of Life away from their predestined prisons in order to instead channel them to empower her own Serpent Brood. Lilith is the Mother of Dragons and the Womb of Thoughtless Anti-Creation, issuing forth the Poisoned Vine of Taninsam and granting the Awakening and Deadly Serpent's Bite to those that would know to welcome her Divine Venom and worship at her feet properly and, for the sake of the furthering of the Cause of the Other Side through her, be ready to eradicate all aspects and impulses, both within and without, that would oppose her emanations or in any other way stand in the way of her Shining Forth by Night and Illuminating through the Black Thoughtless Light.
The Mistress of the Black Earth and the Queen of the Qlipha of the Lachrymose, the Mother of Tears and Wrathful Retaliation, but also in union with Naamah the Pleasant and Beauteous One, the Goddess of Witchcraft and the Weaver of all Enchantments, bringing down and spinning the rays of the Black Moon into the cords tied into the Ladders of Ascent for the beloved ones of her own Serpent Bloodline and the strangling nooses for the profane approaching her mysteries unwelcome and uninvitedly. Nahemah/Naamah, in this context more properly called Na-Ama-Hemah is the Queen of the Five Nations of Nahemoth and the Bride of Azazel, the Hidden King of the Realm caught within a liminal point in-between the two sides of the Tehiru, and is the owner of the First Gate leading towards Sitra Achra and is as such both the Wanton Womb and the Hungry Tomb receiving all those that wish and dare to penetrate her mysteries, being ready to pay the price and sacrifice all upon her bloodstained altar. Nahemah was the one that first received our Good Qayin's sacrifice; first that of the burnt seeds and fruits of the earth and secondly that of the blood of Abel spilt through Qayin's establishment of Akeldama and by the power of those primal offerings it was she who widened the openings between he Two Sides in order to by the addition of the Thoughtless Flames cast into this world undermine the tyrannical rule of the Thoughtful One and aid in the Liberation of the Divine Essence, by the further Shattering of the cosmic Kelims caused by the At-Azothic intrusions of Black Light.